Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Powerlifting Supplements

Supplements are great options for gaining lean muscle mass; some of them are specially designed for the powerlifters and aid in the strength-training program. For example, MAXIMUS – it is specifically designed for serious lifters and sports people to help them get HUGE. The Protein Matrix of MAXIMUS includes isolated casein peptides, whey protein concentrate, glutamine peptides, whey protein isolates, instantized egg albumin and milk protein isolates and gives great result with proper strength training programs.

Powerlifting Supplements

Protein Matrix is one of the best sources of fuel to gain massive growth that most of the bodybuilders and powerlifters need. It provides essential energy nutrition and support muscle growth. This protein shake includes Microlactin, a special protein that helps in exerting powerful ergogenic effects on one’s body. Many powerlifters face the problem of delayed onset muscular soreness. Microlactin can reduce this problem and at the same time improve recovery dramatically.


MAXIMUS is known to have Inulin, a fructan that can produce numerous health benefits including enhanced absorption of specific minerals and enhanced immune function. In addition, it can lower serum triglycerides and promote nitrogen balance.

A single serve of MAXIMUS Protein Matrix mixed in 300ml low-fat milk provides with 43 grams of protein.

The result: Optimal progress in the gym.

Nitrean 4.6 lbs is another powerlifting supplement that can give you an edge over the competition. This supplement won the Men's Health Best Protein Award in 2008 and 2009. One serving of Nitrean provides 24 grams of quality protein and just 1 gram of fat. Better yet, this powerlifting supplement hardly contains any carbohydrates. Nitrean contains isolates, concentrate, and hydrolyzed whey protein, egg proteins, and casein. In fact, this supplement is known to provide the amino acid spike that powerlifters and serious sports people need just after a workout.

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