Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Steer Clear of Fitness Myths

In the hurried frenzy of losing weight and flaunting a perfect body, many of us fall into the trap of believing in something that is unscientific. These myths, (as it can be labeled) not only interfere with a person’s fitness goals, but may also prove to be damaging to one’s overall health in the long run. Let us look at some of these popular fitness myths.

Fitness Myths

• One of the most popular fitness myths that have been doing the rounds since ages is that specific exercises can help in spot reduction. Unfortunately, this concept is wrong. Weight loss affects the body as a whole and it is impossible to reduce weight from one particular area. For example, certain strength training workouts will help you to tone the ab muscles, but it hardly help in losing weight only from the stomach.

• People often use the criterion of muscle soreness to ascertain the quality of their workout. For example, they think that muscle soreness is an indication of a good strength training exercise session. However, the truth is that muscle soreness occurs because of overindulgence in workout programs or for the lack of sufficient rest.

• Most people, especially women believe that strength-training routines will cause their body to bulk up. Health experts say that testosterone (a kind of hormone) is required to bulk up; the testosterone levels are much less in women, as compared to men. In fact, women tend to lose inches at a faster rate when they start indulging in strength training.

• There are many who think that a high protein diet is necessary for building up the muscles. Doctors are have warned people against this dangerous trend (that has gained popularity, thanks to the fitness craze!) and American Dietetic Association had also declared that any healthy diet must contain all the three essential nutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

So now that you know about the popular fitness myths, it’s time to stay away from them!

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