Thursday, December 16, 2010

Significance of Recovery Methods Post Strength Training

Most fitness maniacs are aware of the fact that warming up before starting any strength training routine is essential. It prepares the body for the intensive workout sessions and prevents occurrence of injury such as muscle tear. However, many are ignorant about the fact that taking care of the body after the weight training sessions is equally important. Post-workout activities have a great impact on the muscles, and may determine how well the body reacts to the exercise. We provide few simple but essential post-workout tips.

Strength Training

• Opting for stretching exercises immediately after the strength training routine is essential to make the body flexible. In addition, it helps to enhance range of motions around the joints. This, in turn, improves the balance of the body and wards off various age-related injuries. Stretch the major muscle groups that have been used during the workout sessions.

• Once you are done with stretching the body, take rest. Remember that resting after a vigorous exercise session will help the body to recover at a natural pace.

• Taking a shower post-workout helps you to get rid of the sweat and stress. It makes you feel fresh and energetic. It is recommended to have a hot shower for few (2-3) minutes and a cold shower for 1 minute thereafter. The hot shower will make the blood vessels expand and the cold shower will help in their contraction. All these, in turn, will speed up the blood circulation.

• It is important to refuel the body after the workout sessions have depleted the energy levels. Opt for healthy foods such as fresh fruits, boiled eggs, an energy bar or shake, chicken or vegetable sandwiches after the exercise routine is over. Do not forget to drink sufficient water. You must have at least 2-3 cups of water after you have finished the fitness sessions.

It is important to remember that implementing these few tips can make a great difference to your fitness results and overall health. Setting aside 15 minutes for these recovery methods will help the body to reap benefits of your strenuous efforts.

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