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Tips for Choosing the Right Exercise Ball

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Exercise ball is one of the fitness accessories that have gained much popularity over the years. These fitness balls can be used in various ways and they add a sense of thrill and fun in the regular workout routine. However, one needs to consider few things while shopping around for the exercise balls. Take a look at the following tips.

Exercise Balls

Size of the ball- It is advised to choose a fitness ball, which is in accordance to your height. The general guidelines are mentioned below.

• If you have a height of less than 5'6", opt for a 55 cm exercise ball.

• If your height varies between 5'6" and 6'1", it is advised to choose a 65 cm ball.

• Those who have a height of 6'1" and higher, must opt for the 75 cm ball.

• Remember that all these sizes indicate the diameter of the inflated ball.

After you have chosen a fitness ball, sit on it and ensure that you are feeling comfortable. Remember that when you are seated on the fitness ball, your hips need to be slightly above or even with the knees. If the hips are placed at a lower position than the knees, then there is unwanted stress on the legs.

Burst resistance feature- It is crucial for an exercise ball to have burst resistance property. This means, the air will be released slowly even if the ball gets punctured accidentally, and not just pop out underneath you.

Other features- It is recommended to choose a fitness ball, which can be incorporated in different workout routines. For example, many people love working out on exercise balls and use dumbbells for added resistance. Opt for a ball that provides support for any kind of exercise.

Now that you have read our tips and suggestions, we hope that choosing the perfect exercise ball will not take up much effort. Have fun!


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