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Transform Your Abs Radically with Core Training

Friday, January 28, 2011

Most fitness enthusiasts are obsessed with carving out six-pack abs and a shapely body. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that they should concentrate more on the core muscles. Exercise is not only about losing weight and getting into shape, it should also be about building a strong body and living a healthy life. With core training, you can enjoy all these benefits and more. We point out some advantages of this fitness program.

Core Training

• With core training, you can prevent injuries because it helps to build strong muscles. The muscles become well equipped to handle compression and rotational forces in a better way and this helps to avoid joint and back injuries. This fitness training also helps to reduce injury when we lift things, which most of us do on a regular basis.

• Weak pelvic muscles may interfere with proper bowel functioning. This fitness program helps you to build strong pelvic muscles (pelvic muscles are part of the core) and this in turn, will lead to improved bowel functioning.

• Most middle-aged men develop a protruding stomach, which provides an out-of-shape look and leads to a slouched posture. Core training works on the abdominal muscles and strengthens them, which helps the person to enjoy an upright posture and a shapely stomach.

• With this fitness program, you can lift more weights because a strong core helps in the stabilization of the whole body. This is especially important for all those who love to indulge themselves in weight-training routines such as bench press and squat.

Core training is an ideal fitness program not only for those who are into serious weight training, but also for people who want to live a healthy and injury-free life.

Fun Ways to Pep up Your Weight-Loss Program

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Most people consider weight-loss program as a difficult and stressful experience. Unfortunately, they are unaware of the fact that losing weight can be a fun event as well. Including few tricks in your weight loss program can help you to lose the extra flab without the pressure that we normally associate with these kinds of programs. Read on to know more about these interesting tips.

Weight-Loss Program

• We all know that a healthy diet is essential for losing weight. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that a healthy diet consists of bland and tasteless food. Perk up your regular diet by adding fresh fruits. For example, add few pieces of apple to the regular breakfast cereal and watch how you whip up the ‘healthy diet’.

• Many people need to sit at their desk for long hours at the workplace. One can burn loads of calories by sitting on a stability ball instead of the regular chairs. Of course, it looks a bit weird sitting on an exercise ball, instead of the chair, but this step can help you in your weight-loss program. In addition, this will help you to improve your posture.

• Another weight loss tip that you can consider is to join a dance class. Dancing is fun and can be effective in burning loads of calories. Alternatively, you can also sign up for swimming or biking classes.

• Weekends, for most of us mean eating out at expensive restaurants. This weekend spend your time more creatively. Go for a picnic or a hike and bring your own lunch. Not only this will help you in burning the calories, but you will be saving loads of money as well.

Remember that weight-loss program need not be boring and strenuous. Spice up your weight loss program by implementing the above-mentioned tips. Cheers.

The Secret to a Successful Diet Plan

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

People have different preferences for diet plans when it comes to losing weight. Some like to follow a high-protein diet, while others prefer carbohydrate-rich diet. No matter what type of diet plan you are following, maintaining a food journal is always recommended. We provide more information regarding how a food diary can help you in weight loss.

Diet Plan

• Using a food journal can help you to stick to a healthy diet. You can keep a track of everything you are consuming throughout the day and thus understand the source of your extra calories. Many times, we take a bite from other’s plates and forget all about it when we calculate our calorie intake. Thus, we assume that we have consumed 1000 calories, whereas in reality our total calorie intake was 1200.

• According to a recent survey, almost 25 % of people who wish to follow a healthy diet underestimate their daily calorie consumption. Writing down the food items that you are consuming throughout the day will help you to calculate the daily calorie consumption correctly.

• Maintaining a food diary means that you need to write down every extra snack you eat or cheat on your diet plan. This accountability can assist you to curb your mindless eating to some extent.

• Using food journal as part of your fitness program can help you to get an honest opinion about your diet plan. It helps you to analyze it and understand whether you are taking enough of fruits, veggies and other healthy foods and make changes accordingly.

With the help of a food diary, not only you can stick to a diet program successfully, but can also lose weight fast.

Simple Tips to Lose Baby Fat

Giving birth can be a life-changing experience for a woman and takes enormous physical and mental strength. The body goes through tremendous changes and most women put on a lot of weight during these nine months. We provide few weight loss tips that will help new moms to get rid of the unwanted fat and to get back into a good shape.

Lose Baby Fat

• Start following a healthy diet. Avoid processed, refined and high calorie foods. Opt for whole-wheat foods, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts. Remember that these nutrient-rich foods will provide quality calories to your body and will help you to lose weight.

• Along with a healthy diet, concentrate on what you are drinking throughout the day. Chuck out high-calorie beverages such as soft drinks, alcohol, sugared coffee etc. Drink loads of water since it is a zero-calorie drink and helps in the processes of digestion and metabolism.

• Eat 4-5 small meals throughout the day rather than 2-3 large meals. Eating frequently increases the metabolic rate and prevents overeating. Choose a healthy diet that contains all the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. For example, opt for a whole-wheat chicken sandwich with a slice of cottage cheese at the top.

• Chalk out a fitness program that includes both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Cardiovascular exercises are excellent for burning calories and help you to reduce the unwanted baby fat quickly. Try to do cardio for 30 minutes, 3-5 times per week. Examples of cardio exercises would include running, swimming, jogging, cycling.

• Along with cardio exercises, do weight training as well. It will help you to build lean muscle mass that will accelerate your weight-loss program.

• To tone up your tummy (where there is maximum accumulation of baby fat), do exercises such as side crunches, leg lifts, bicycle and reverse crunches.

Losing your baby fat is not really an impossible task. With a strong determination and firm approach, you can once again slip into your old, favorite pair of jeans!

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